Monday, June 10, 2013

Exalt His Name Together

"O Magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together"- Psalm 34:3

That is my prayer for this blog. That I can praise the Lord with like-minded bloggers! I am hoping to use this blog to show and expand my photography skills and make some new friends along the way. Can't wait to get to know you all and thank you for joining me on this journey!

Hannah Diane


  1. I can't wait to read more posts! :) Your blog looks lovely already. If you ever get a blog button, let me know and I'll put it on the sidebar of my blog to advertise. If you need someone to make you one I could ask on my blog. It's helped me acquire more followers plus they are cute. ;) Haha!
    Kalin from and

  2. This looks very nice; I look forward to reading more!
